U.A. Flight 837 Tokyo to Bangkok
Let me just start by saying that United flights suck overseas! Small seats, shitty service, awful movies......grrrr. I suppose it's not helping matters that I haven't slept in 2 days if you count the whole day I lost on the way here. Believe me, it's not for lack of trying. Images of disturbing news keep flooding my mind. Images of Burmese being gunned down on their own streets, by their own government. Images of blood, red and thick, trickling down the asphalt in to the sewer grates. Real blood. Not like the kind you see in the movies, you know, the fake ketchup looking kind. Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't so intertwined with this crisis. I mean really- I have seen it up close and personal before. Maybe it's because my camera wasn't there to separate me from the gruesomeness of it all. At this point, I feel like I couldn't have picked my dates more perfectly if I were psychic. Maybe it upsets me so much because a Japanese photojournalist (who probably felt the same as I about this cause) was gunned down like a toy. Gunned down and and he keeps shooting. Yep, crazy as I for sure. I think sometimes we photogs think we are invincible since we get carte blanch most of the time. The camera covering my face doesn't protect me from death and destruction. I just hope they didn't get his footage.
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