Life is Worth Documenting

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Scared Stacie

Note** These are not in real time since I don't have access or time to update everyday. They are, however, in chronological order for the most part.

Totally overwhelmed is my state of mind at this moment. I moved from a really nice hotel to a hostel and it rocks. It's very tranquil and serene, not to mention cheap. I think it works out to be like $12 a night. As I left my hotel with my suitcase in tote, I realized how much like a foreigner I must look. Not more than 2 minutes later, I come across an English speaking Asian "guide" who wants to help me find whatever I need. I'd been warned about scam artists who like to prey on tourists so I just kept walking. I guess he didn't have much else to do since he continued to follow me asking, "What do you need? I find." I finally had to turn around and tell him to leave me alone- very firmly. He got the picture all right. It sure does suck to be a minority. Yeah, I know your all shaking your heads in agreement. But for real- I'm like one of 3 white people in a 10 block radius. This city is really intimidating. Not because it's huge and confusing- tho that doesn't help. It's mostly because I'm this huge walking dollar sign to most of these people. Every time I round a corner, someone wants to sell me something. That part I can handle. It's the part where they keep on me because I'm very clearly American. I think it's my blond hair. Whatever it is, every time I round the corner there is an Asian dude out to scam my American dollars. American. It's not a phrase I would normally use to describe myself, but here, that is what I am. Or farang- which means foreigner in Thailand. Really, just check out these sandals. Jut And the worst revelation about all this is that most Americans deserve the hounding. They are stupid and rich compared to the rest of the world. They have earned this reputation and mostly deserve it. Now I have to prove that I'm different. As in not stupid and gullible. I think I need to learn Thai.

On a lighter note, I finally broke down and ate Thai food. I've been avoiding it like the plague since I'm freaked out about getting sick. I've mostly been eating 1x a day at the hostel's free breakfast. It's pretty safe with bread and croissants being the main thing on the menu. Oh yeah, the Thai food. Is it good here? Ummmm.....hell yeah!

Come on- you'd be afraid of food like the specimen above if it sat out all day!


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