I smell a story in the air! For real- the ASPCA would have a field day with this place. So many homeless dogs and cats looking for their next big handout. It's strange cuz they are really sweet and friendly. They aren't mean or aggressive. They crawl in and out of stores and restaurants and no one blinks an eye. So cute and fluffy and disease ridden. Anyone know anyone who wants a pet? I can find them one no problem-o. They are very adept at avoiding the harsh traffic here as well. These people make my driving style look like an old ladies. I know that only the people who have been in a car with me know what I'm talking about, but take my word for it- I am no kitten of a driver. My introduction to it began when my cab driver from the airport fell asleep at the wheel and kept swerving into other peoples lanes. No one honks to tell him he's driving like an ass. They just accept it. Insurance must be crazy high here if they even have any at all. The laws here are really lax. I mean I don't have an International drivers license, but I can rent a car or motorcycle- no problem. But if I wreck it- I pay for it. No problem. I must admit at this point that I'm a little home sick and ready to leave here and begin my project. I am waiting on my fixer who won't be ready to roll till tomorrow.
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